Diplomacy and Statecraft


Diplomacy is about managing international relations through communication, negotiation and critical thinking. It’s a critical practice that when learned and leveraged, helps shape a prosperous global society. As corporations and government organizations become increasingly globalized, skilled problem solvers who can exchange meaningful dialogue and understand perspectives that reflect diverse experiences are needed now more than ever. That’s where you come in.

Workshop Objectives

Develop a clear perspective on international diplomacy, leadership and conflict. Build stronger negotiation, critical thinking and conflict management skills. Enhance participant’s knowledge on issues of International Relations and Foreign Policy. Expand your international networking opportunities. Share with participants basic Diplomatic strategies, tactics and practice for application in the domestic and international interactions.

Course Contents

Metus earum pellentesque pariatur fugiat ultricies sunt molestiae, perspiciatis omnis! Quisque aute, ullam leo, at saepe, cupidatat laborum tristique commodi saepe nam lobortis at, lobortis natus magni ad occaecati impedit facilisis aenean consequuntur adipiscing?

  • Tristique commodi saepe nam
  • Fugiat ultricies sunt molestiae
  • Metus earum pellentesque pariatur
  • Fugiat ultricies sunt molestiae
  • Tristique commodi saepe nam
  • Metus earum pellentesque pariatur
  • Fugiat ultricies sunt molestiae
  • Tristique commodi saepe nam

Course Information

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